
Literature’s most infamous creator, Dr Victor Frankenstein, is re-born in the 21st Century as a female biologist whose controversial research ultimately spawns a monster.

Literature’s most infamous creator, Dr Victor Frankenstein, is re-born in the 21st Century as a female biologist whose controversial research ultimately spawns a monster.

Taking the same themes as Shelley’s 19th century original; Victoria is a 21st Century scientist conducting ground-breaking, but highly controversial work in the field of stem cell research and medical biotechnology.

Her obsessive drive to control cell growth for multi-organ generation and transplant however comes not from the desire for fame and adulation, but to save her dying son William. Maddened by grief and desperation, Victoria secretly takes a sample of his blood and incorporates it into her research programme, the Universal Xenograft Project.

In the confines of a purpose built tank in the Graft Lab, the cells grow at an extraordinarily accelerated rate. And as they diversify, mutate and re-form, Victoria realises with horror that the UX is breeding its own bio-organism and it’s alive!
An Impossible Pictures production for ITV and Pro7

Executive Producer: Tim Haines
Distributed By: BBC Worldwide
Broadcast By: ITV1

Duration: 1 x 90′
Release Date: October 2007